
News / Events


All of our news and events are on our Facebook page. Click here to stay update, don’t forget to Like, and Follow.

2nd September

We are now on Facebook and Instagram. Take time to join and like our Facebook page. We will keep that updated with what events are being held and where you can reach out to us. Instagram will have updated photos of our Neighbourhood Support meetings as well. Keep an eye out for our new Tab, Crime Prevention Tools – Coming Soon!

20th August

It’s amazing how many neighbours don’t know each other! I have held a few Neighbourhood Support meetings this week and we were able to introduce neighbours. Jackson St was a damp cold day but most residents came out and we have delayed Resilience plans until the weather improves. Korokonui Community had an opportunity to speak about crime prevention with local Police at the hall.

3rd August

Did you know that there is a Community Cafe every Wednesday at Te Awamutu Bible Chapel. Take a donation for your morning tea and experience a great community atmosphere. Barista Coffee and home baking! Join a table and enjoy meeting new people. What an amazing community initiative.

18th July 2022

Tonight we held a “drop in” night for those that want to know more about our Community Patrols. Being the extra “eyes and ears” for Police is such a rewarding volunteer role. You get to know your local Police and assist where you can.

2nd July 2022

Kio Kio Station Rd with residents from Ellis Rd hosted a Pot Luck dinner. Our host was amazing and we shared some great kai. I spoke about staying connected with your neighbours, sharing information and keeping an eye on each other. This group has a fantastic social media page that gets used daily to ask questions and let each other know of anything suspicious in the area.

19th June 2022

I attended the Raglan Community Patrol AGM today. I spoke to the volunteers that provide those extra “eyes and ears” for Police while on duty. Like all volunteer groups they are trying to raise awareness of what they do and attract new volunteers. If you live in Raglan consider a volunteer role with them.

1st June 2022

We are excited to announce that NSNZ now has a partnership with Fire Emergency NZ (FENZ). I meet with our Community liaison and was given new resources for keeping your home and your family safe. Have you completed an evacuation plan for your home? Come and collect some great resources to help you plan from us.

20th May

Apologies we are cancelling Pink Shirt Day at the office due to Covid. Lets aim to do it bigger and better next year.

30th April 2022

Tomorrow we will be at the Maori Womens Welfare Awareness Day. Come along to Kihikihi and meet the team. Get your vehicle rego plates secured by Safer Screws for a donation. We will be there from 9am -1pm. Look for the stalls by the Historic Police Station.

13th April 2022

Did you know we have volunteers that monitor the CCTV for Waipa at the Te Awamutu Police Station? Have you ever wanted to help your community in crime prevention? Get in touch with us today, we have an opportunity for more volunteers to get involved now.

22nd March 2022

Reminder: Police need to be notified about anything suspicious in your area. If you see anything that makes you look twice and wonder what the vehicle or people are doing call the Police. If it is happening now call 111, please don’t hesitate.

3rd March 2022

Check your letterboxes Pirongia. Information on what we do and how to join CommSafe is arriving at your door. Take the time to update your details if you are already a member with us.

28th February 2022

This month we held 4 community meetings to establish Neighbourhood Support Groups in roads. There are a number of street signs in our area that needs updating. If you need new signs, call me and I can drop some off to you.

8th February 2022

NS Meeting in Herbert St was held today. Quite a few residents had concerns about traffic speed. The road is wide and contours into climbs either side which does not help. Constable Ryan Fleming attended to provide the residents with helpful advice.

26th January 2022

Residents in Ngahape Road will have information about joining CommSafe in their mailboxes. We did get to meet a few of you last week and it’s been a fantastic opportunity for you to meet your Rural Support Officer from the Otorohanga Station. Remember secure your property and sheds. Don’t leave your keys in your farm bikes and tell your neighbours if you are going on holiday. Stay safe.

10th January 2022

Welcome 2022, lets hope this year does not have as many disruptions as last year. The summer weather has been fantastic and the holiday season has been enjoyed by all. Sadly though the number of crashes on our roads causing fatalities is extremely high. Take care everyone, drive safe and be patient on the roads.

10th December 2021

St Leger Road wanted a Neighbourhood Support Group created. Keen residents delivered flyers to everyone and we held a meeting this evening hosted outside a property. Good discussion about community CCTV and crime prevention. Another meeting will be held next year to follow up plans. Take a drive along St Leger, the NS signs are looking great.

30th November 2021

Do not hesitate to call the Police when you have a suspicious feeling about something or you have witnessed an incident that you do not feel comfortable about. If you do not tell the Police they do not know this has taken place. Call 111 if you watching something now.

11th November 2021

Thanks to all the residents at Arapuni Lake and Bulmers Landing for hosting a productive Neighbourhood Support Meeting. Plans are in place to address the concerns residents have with the area. Waipa DC and Police are assisting and we work on this over the coming weeks.

3rd October 2021

Kihikihi Community Day will be held at the Domain, entry Gate 2. Meet your local health and welfare teams. Get your registration plate fitted with Anti-Tamper screws from the Community Patrol members. Watch the RDA skills with their horses at the arena. Join in some fun Zumba with Nin. Waipa DC and Police will be there for you too. Open 10am -2pm.

25 September 2021

Look forward to seeing you at the Pirongia Market, Crozier St tomorrow. Come along and support locals. The market operates from 9am – 2pm.

17 September 2021

Community Meetings and Guest speaker invites have been postponed until further notice. Thank you for your understanding while we continue to adapt to Covid restrictions.

25 August 2021

CommSafe manages a dedicated group of volunteers that are Police Vetted and trained to help assist the Police as “eyes and ears” across our community. Roles can be within the Patrol or monitoring CCTV owned by Waipa DC. If you have time to spare and want to live in a safer community, reach out, we are always looking for more volunteers to join the team.

18th August 2021

NZ placed into Covid 19 Level 4. An outbreak of Delta has occurred in Auckland and there are growing community cases that have potential to spread. Lock down may occur for a while. Check for updating details at

9th August 2021

Cambridge Rd residents that are near Pekarau Cres held a Neighbourhood Support meeting. A very helpful way to know who lives near you and how you can help each other.

4th August 2021

Thank you to the Te Awamutu Continuing Education Group for inviting me to present to your knowledgeable members. Only a few members were prepared for a National Emergency. Check your emergency pack. Do you have water, food and essentials safely placed away for a minimum of 3 days if required?

26th July 2021

CommSafe held an AGM. Thank you to our community for coming along and attending the meeting. Fantastic to hear your ideas and thoughts about creating safer neighbourhoods.

15th July 2021

Keep your homes protected by always checking that all windows and doors are locked before leaving. Have you thought about installing home security? Technology has advanced and there is the ability to be warned via your cell if anything suspicious is taking place at your property.

28th June 2021

NZ Neighbourhood Support Conference held in Wellington. Fantastic speakers over the two days and a great opportunity to meet co-ordinators from all the country. Congratulations to Constable Ryan Fleming for placing as the Semi Finalist for NZ Police Partner of the Year. Congratulations to Jo Bell, who was awarded the Waikato District Award for her role as Street Champion.

24th June 2021

FMG Rural Crime Prevention meeting was held at Ngutuni School. A good turnout of residents discussed their concerns and some helpful prevention tips were presented by Senior Sargent Walker from the Otorohanga Station. If you want to email Otorohanga Station and discuss anything with the local team. Email:

14th June 2021

Community Meeting held at Te Awamutu Baptist Church for a group of concerned residents about speeding vehicles and anti-social behaviour.  We had a CCTV expert join the meeting and discussing the option of installing cameras.

30th May 2021

Wikairi Road held it’s first Neighbourhood Support Meeting today. Most residents from the road attended and came along with plates of amazing afternoon tea. Residents discussed the resilience plan and shared contact details with each other. Well done!

13th May 2021

We have partnered with Civil Defence, Rural Support, AON, NZ Police, Welfare Team, Otorohanga Council to deliver Rural Crime Prevention Workshops next year. Today we started the planning, very exciting!

12th April 2021

Open County Dairy are supporters of CommSafe. We are fortunate to have support by supply of vehicles and maintenance costs. We are very proud to work with the team of OCD. Did you know they have an electrode boiler using 100% renewable energy.

10th April 2021

Neighbourhood Support Meeting to be held at Te Awamutu Intermediate at 10.30am. All residents from surrounding streets are invited to connect with community and find our more about CommSafe.

7 April 2021

Waikato Police Message

We had a tragic Easter weekend on our roads with 8 people dead. This is the highest number of deaths for the Easter holiday period in more than a decade which is an unacceptable outcome. The aftermath of a fatal car crash extends further than just the families involved. Our thoughts are also with our staff and other emergency services who have to deal with crash scenes and advise family member that their loved one isn’t coming home. Please take a hard think about how you behave behind the wheel because your driving could change a life!

20th March 2021

The Roar – Message from Police

It’s that time of year again, between now to mid April, when Hunters head out into the bush in the hope of shooting a Stag. It’s also a timely reminder to be vigilant and to be alert for any illegal hunting as not everyone is operating lawfully and honestly. The bottom line is illegal hunting is dangerous and is a criminal act. Those caught entering agricultural land for this purpose will be held accountable for their actions.

Be alert to this activity. Record any suspicious number plates, take photos if safe to do so (your safety comes first) and phone 111. Police want to know about this behaviour.

27th February 2021

Kihikihi Community Summer Stroll will be held at the Heritage House. Come through and meet the Te Awamutu Community Board. CommSafe will be there so come along and talk about your neighbourhood.

7th February 2021

CommSafe is attending Te Kotahitangi, Aotea Annual Market to be held at the Aotea Domain from 9am- 12pm. Come along and say Hi. Check that your personal details are correct and we are keeping you updated.

Many thanks to Greenlea Foundation for supporting CommSafe again this year.

5th January 2021

Happy New Year everyone. CommSafe will be busy connecting with all neighbourhoods this new year. Make sure you attend your local neighbourhood support meeting starting from mid February.

17th December 2020

300 Hampers have been delivered to families this week!! What an overwhelming week. Volunteers from Community Patrol helped wrap hundreds of presents, collate boxes of food and spent 3 days driving across Te Awamutu delivering. THANKS to all of the Businesses, Families, Organisations, Police and the committee that spent months organising this.

5th December 2020

Our community came out to celebrate the festive season at the Te Awamutu Santa Parade today. Before the parade we gave out Tyre Tread Checking Tools. If you didn’t see us and would like one, just call into the office and collect some for your family and friends.

2nd December 2020

FMG invited me to join their Rural Crime Prevention workshop with the Police. There was a great turnout from the community. We discussed crime prevention and reporting. Neighbour support is so vital in the rural community.

5th November 2020

Guy Fawkes today! Stay Safe, Be Prepared and have fun responsibly when using fireworks. Be considerate to your neighbours and animals. Check your environment before using fireworks!

21st October 2020

Te Awamutu Police & CommSafe spent the day connecting with the community across Te Awamutu. We delivered information, talked to residents and gained new members. If you need information about support agencies available to the community contact me.

6th October 2020

Have you moved house? Has your email changed? Does your landline no longer exist? Please remember to update us with your details. Also check with your neighbours & friends. Simply LOG IN to CommSafe and update these or send an email and I can help.

16th September 2020

Pirongia Community Association invited us to attend their meeting on Community Safety. We discussed Neighbourhood Support and how we can grow this within the Pirongia Village. Community Constable Ryan Fleming reminded us that we must inform the Police about behaviour we witness. Do not hesitate to call 111.

5th September 2020

Thank you for coming to the Te Rahu public meetings. It was great to meet you and know that we can grow the community spirit in the area. Thank you to the volunteers that I have spoken with who are joining the CommSafe team and participating in community patrols and monitoring the CCTV.

24 August 2020

Come along to your Neighbourhood Support Meeting for Te Rahu and surrounding roads. We have two venues so you can attend the venue that is closest to your home. Presented by CommSafe and Police.

Saturday 5th September 2020

1.30pm at Te Rahu Village Hall (2119 Te Rahu Rd)

3.00pm at Pekerau Primary School (742 Te Rahu Rd)

(Covid19 Alert Level will be observed for that current date)


5 August 2020

Te Awamutu Constable Ryan Fleming issues a reminder to our community.

“This week highlights the need to call 111 with suspicious behaviour. Often, the part you see may be suspicious but inconsequential to you, but is the key piece of a larger puzzle. In short; we need to know. I urge all of you reading this to consider and call 111 if you see something happening. If it doesn’t look right, it probably isn’t.”

15th July 2020

Have you moved house? Has your email changed? Does your landline no longer exist? Please remember to update us with your details. Also check with your neighbours & friends. Simply LOG IN to CommSafe and update these or send us an email and we can help.

1st July 2020

CommSafe welcomes Mandy to the role as Community Safety Officer. Based in Kihikihi Mandy will co-ordinate Neighbourhood Support within our community.

March 2019

The CommSafe trustees thank all sponsors and participants of the CommSafe Ambrose Charity Golf Tourment, proudly supported by Waipa Networks, held at Gener8 Te Awamutu Golf Club on Friday 22nd March 2019.

The tournament was a great success. We look forward to seeing everyone back next year.